River Flows In You

Shifting away from the Tame Impala’s psychedelic sound to a tranquilizing sound, that pianist Yiruma offers in his hit song River Flows In You.  The song became a hit in many countries and was even considered a possibility for the sound track of Twilight.  River Flows In You can be found on Yiruma’s album called First Love.  This song by Yiruma is great when doing homework, meditating, and relaxation before bedtime.

River Flows In You became a hit for its light and bona fide sound.  The melody of this song is what makes it so unique and amazing. Listen to River Flows In You for yourself by clicking on the link.

Most songs have general meaning to the song that can be established, yet people still have a personal meaning for a song. The song River Flows In You does not have any lyrics, bur that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a message for its listeners.  The difference between a song with lyrics and a song like the River Flows In You is that the interpretation of a non lyric song  is completely based on the emotions and thoughts that someone has. I interpreted the River Flows In You around the concept that the river represented everyone’s innately good nature as it flows in everyone.  However, there are other interpretations like blogger Eduardo Bedural Jr.  who interpreted the song as “you equate this simple journey with your life’s achievements and what’s-not. Thinking that this simple journey is like your life compressed. You recognize your blessings and count them one by one.” Eduardo Bedural Jr’s. interpretation of River Flows In You is based around the idea that the song is a story of life that each individual must take in order to realize its beauty and their place within it.

Face the music and go listen to River Flows In You by Yiruma to see what meaning this melody gives you.


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